Born in 1991, Andrea is (generally) 81kg and is unhealthily obsessed with the colour yellow. He reads books that contain more pictures than words. TL;DR: Graphic Designer, Animator, Illustrator; and passionate about pretty much anything design-related

Andrea Meli @BoMbLu

Age 33, Male

Graphic Designer

MCAST Institute of Art & Desig


Joined on 10/8/05

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Collab compiling problem

Posted by BoMbLu - October 15th, 2009

Well, as the title says.

We've been working on a Warhammer 40K collab for over a year now - and with all the animations ready - we began to compile them into one FLA. However, we're encountering problems such as flash freezing after adding the 9th animation (out of 23) or the actionscrypt/timeline/audio going completely off sync.

Another problem occured when, in one attempt to re-build the collab, movieclips began to constantly flash (Strobe-like), or movieclips/graphics disappear.

On behalf of the animators, If you guys could post on some tips to help us out, it'd be greatly appreciated :)


Compile the swfs in a different program such as after effects?

You could always ask Stamper to compile it for you...

If its all in one fla Flash has a limit of 15,000 or 16,000 frames.. It could be that you are past that mark..

You may need to break it up or compile each animator's part separately and have one fla insert it by code.

Hope that helps..

This is one of the dangers of working with heavy fla's and different versions of flash (even if the person has saved it down, it sometimes fucks up the integrity of the file when you put it alongside native version files)

It'd be good to have stamper tell you how he managed to resolve it. Although i remember he had a really tough time with it.

Before or while opening the fla do the Following"
-Click "View" on the top menu
-Then Click on "preview mode"
-And Select "Fast"

This makes it so your working in "low" quality. Just like if you were to go low on an swf. Makes it easier to work with and a lot lighter on your computer

If Fast didnt work you can always try outlines <:\

Please Tell me if this was any help to you :)

oh and another thing when you add them try doing each part as a new scene. and as for symbols disappearing. Put each parts symbols into their own folder.

And the most important. Press save after adding EACH part cause if it decides to crash after adding 10 parts with out saving, i grantee you will be pissed.

I recently had a similar problem where symbols appear to be flickering and disappearing just as you described. What I did was go through every timeline of every symbol and dragging the timeline cursor all the way across seems to reset itself. It was a very annoying and tedius task but it got everything looking how it should

To fix the flickering MC issue (this is one of the most annoying things in flash)
This method is quick and not very tedious.
Open your library, and make sure all the folders in it are expanded.
Select the top most item in the library.
Hold down the Down Arrow key until every item has been cycled through the preview.
Problem sorted.
Sadly, this must be done each time the .fla is opened, as it's only a temporary fix to a highly annoying problem.

Good luck!

Delete the fla file. This usually fixes all related problems ;)

not quite a year. a year december 12th.