Whoa, now *this* is what a re-design's all about.
Not that i'm very keen on the 'new' look, the previous version was better in my opinion. The background images, to me, make the site feel like a 13-year-old-haven (even though that is what it was for me back when I started visiting the grounds)
If I could ask for a possible option for us users, unless it already exists and I'm missing it out [too much stuff going on >:( ], would be to allow us to 'change' the settings for the site backgrounds, maybe decided to have it change in every page (which is how it works now, at least that's what i'm experiencing atm) or to completely turn off the backgrounds in the internal pages and keep them for the main page?
I also miss the short descriptions for the front page submissions but i'll get used to the big tabs.
The things I LOVE, however, are the 'intro's' before agreeing to load a submission on the animation/game page. Those sounds make the animations and games feel more special for some reason :P Also, the post moods, they're awesome!
Here's hoping i'll get the hang of the new site quickly!
i loved the old design more then this one...
but i guess i just have to learn to deal with this one now :C
True, i need some time to get used to it, but it's far better than no Grounds at all! D: (super long update-waiting time)