I'm planning an interactive group project in Flash - basically i'm planning to have a short animation, roughly two to three minutes - that would also include a couple of Quick Time events, ala' Heavy Rain or God of War.
For instance, one of the planned scenes is to have the main character engage in a duel.
I imagined the sequence to work in this order: As the animation is playing, say the characters begin to duel. At one particular point they 'block' each-others attacks. In this case, the user would need to 'press a button' to 'push' the enemy and continue dueling. Now I imagined that the quick time event button would appear at say 30 seconds into the interactive movie, as the two characters are blocking, and as the timeline moves forward to, say, 35 seconds, the user could press the button to 'win' the particular sequence. If the user does not press the button in the allocated 5 seconds, the timeline would continue playing to show off the 'death sequence.' However, if the user presses the button on time, the timeline would jump off to the 'death of the enemy' sequence, and continue playing off the movie till another quick time sequence occurs.
I was thinking i could code the buttons to [on press, go to the particular place in the timeline, if not keep playing to the death sequence].
Is there an easier or more effective (yet simple) way of creating these kinds of events?